Vi lanserer nye studiesider. Vi setter pris på din tålmodighet mens vi jobber med å få alt på plass.

Would you like to delve into theological and existential questions related to Christian faith and tradition? This program will challenge you both academically and personally, allowing you to explore questions about interpreting and understanding the Bible as a source and resource for individuals and communities, both locally and globally. Core subjects, such as the New Testament, systematic theology, and church history, are central in this program. With a master's degree in theology, you can work in the church and civil society, in institutions and organizations.
- Undervisningsspråk
- Engelsk
- Studiepoeng
- 120
- Studielengde
- 2 år
- Støttes av lånekassen
- Ja
- Søknadsfrist
- 15. april 2025
- Oppstart
- 12. august 2025
- Opptakskrav og poeng
- Se kravene
- Pris per semester
- NOK 7249 (Prisdetaljer)
Do you have any questions?
Programme director Terese Bue Kessel | Admission Team opptak |