Studieplan Community Development and Social InnovationSe studietStudiestedStudieårSe tidligere års studieplaner ved å velge startår for studiet. Dersom studieplanen du leter etter mangler, kan du gå til oversikten over eldre studieplaner.0Høst 2025Høst 2024Studiepoeng120SpråkEngelskStudiestedOslo , StavangerOppstartHøstStudielengde2 årPraksisstudierNeiVeivalg0ElectiveElective Migration and Intercultural RelationsDiakonia, Community Develop, and Christian Social Practice 2019 - 2020Diakonia, Community Development, and Christian Social Practice Value-based Leadership and Social Innovation 2019 - 2020Valued-based Leadership and Social InnovationElectiveMigration and Intercultural Relations 2019 - 2020Migration and Intercultural RelationsLaster...