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PHD-TR 906 African biblical and theological hermeneutics
Enkeltemner, Samlingsbasert, Nettstudie
- Stavanger, Nettstudier
The course gives an in-depth presentation and discussion of major hermeneutical models in African biblical studies and theology, in particular models emphasizing inculturation, liberation and reconstruction perspectives.
Velg campus:
- Undervisningsspråk
- Engelsk
- Studiepoeng
- 5
- Studielengde
- Ett semester
- Støttes av lånekassen
- Nei
- Søknadsfrist
- 15. februar 2025
- Oppstart
- 7. april 2025
- Opptakskrav og poeng
- Se kravene
- Pris per semester
- Se priser for enkeltemner
The course has the following main focus areas:
- Historical developments in African biblical and theological hermeneutics, in particular models emphasizing inculturation, liberation and reconstruction perspectives.
- The transition from colonial to postcolonial contexts, and the effects of this on church and theology.
- The critical role and contribution by African feminist/womanist perspectives.
Retief Müller