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PHD-TR 905 Migration and Religion
Enkeltemner, Nettstudie
- Nettstudier
- Oppstart: Vår
The aim of the course is to give an in-depth presentation and discussion of the complex interaction between religion and migration, including the central concepts, approaches and methodologies in this field of study.
- Undervisningsspråk
- Engelsk
- Studiepoeng
- 5
- Studielengde
- Ett semester
- Oppstart
- Vår 2026
- Opptakskrav og poeng
- Se kravene
The course is offered as an intensive course week with 3 days of lectures and seminars and the course is run hybrid. The lectures takes place on campus Stavanger, but participants can choose to follow the course on Zoom.
Har du spørsmål?
Admission Christine Myrdal Lukash |