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PHD-DVP 952 Action Research and Practice Research


The course will introduce the historical background and development of action research and practice research, including participatory action research (PAR) and participatory practice research (PPR). In addition, research traditions, theories and methodological issues across a variety of disciplines are examined. The course is a colaboration between VID and OsloMet and arranged bi-annually between the partners.

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The course introduces the historical background and development of action research and practice research (including participatory action research, PAR, and participatory practice research, PPR). Research traditions, theories, and methodological issues across various social and human sciences disciplines and professions are examined. The course covers theories of science suited for positioning the epistemological and ontological grounding of action and practice research. Important questions include the following: What are the characteristics of action research and practice research? Which view of knowledge builds the foundation for these research approaches? What possibilities for developing knowledge exist within different action and practice research traditions? What is the potential for carrying out innovative research?

The course includes knowledge on applying these research approaches in designing and developing the student’s research projects. How to design an action or practice research project that is manageable within the resources of a PhD project is given special attention. Ethical challenges are highlighted and critically reflected on, such as power relations between researchers and other actors, anonymity and confidentiality, and conflicts in the collaboration.

Do you have any questions?

Tor Slettebø

Erlend Hovdkinn From

