The aim of the course is to give a broad orientation in qualitative approaches to research.
- Undervisningsspråk
- Engelsk
- Studiepoeng
- 5
- Studielengde
- Ett semester
- Støttes av lånekassen
- Nei
- Oppstart
- Høst
- Opptakskrav og poeng
- Se kravene
The main approaches introduced are: case study, narrative research, ethnography, phenomenology, grounded theory and participatory action research. Differences between these approaches are explored with the special attention given to: ontological and epistemological assumptions; role of theory; types of research goals and research questions; use of methods (interviews, documentary analysis, observations, analysis of audio-visual materials); possibilities of generalizations. Students are presented with examples of research design following specific approaches and have an opportunity to discuss them with invited researchers representing each of the research traditions.
During the course candidates discuss own research design in smaller groups, which enables them to develop own projects and justify own methodological choices.