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The PhD programme in Health Sciences aims to contribute to generating new knowledge to better understand and identify challenges in health promotion, disease prevention, treatment, rehabilitation, nursing, care and palliation.


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The programme will contribute to the development of new knowledge and new solutions to meet the challenges of the future, both nationally and internationally. Different methodological and health science perspectives will be used to realise this.

Society and the healthcare system are constantly changing. Ethnic and cultural diversity, complex cohabitation and life situations and new and complex diagnoses require nuanced and dedicated approaches where patients and service users are understood and treated as unique individuals in relation to their needs and abilities.

The healthcare research in the PhD program will emphasize a clinical foundation. This means that PhD projects can be developed and carried out in collaboration with the clinical field and the voluntary sector.

The PhD programme is based on a holistic view of humanity and a solidarity commitment to individuals in vulnerable life situations. The vulnerability can be linked to physical, mental, cognitive, existential, and sensory conditions, as well as chronic medical conditions. Such an emphasis is in line with VID's strategic profile and motto, which emphasizes the importance of being Committed to humanity– locally and globally.
